Startup Accelerator Program - Everything You Need to Know

10 min read
Feb 22, 2023 10:27:10 AM


Startup accelerator programs have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way for aspiring entrepreneurs to take their ideas to the next level. These intensive programs provide early-stage startups with the resources and support they need to grow and succeed in the highly competitive world of entrepreneurship. From mentorship and networking opportunities to access to funding and other resources, accelerator programs offer a unique and valuable opportunity for startups to accelerate their growth and achieve their goals. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of startup accelerator programs, including what they are, how they work, and why they can be beneficial for aspiring entrepreneurs. - Authors: Jona Hauch, Jong-Chan Chung


Main takeaways

  • A startup accelerator is a program that helps young and emerging businesses to scale quickly and succeed by providing mentorship, training, networking opportunities, access to funding, and other resources.
  • They typically last for a fixed period of time, often several months, and provide companies with a structured program.
  • There are various types of accelerator programs available, including sector-specific programs, regional programs, incubator programs, accelerator-incubator programs, and corporate accelerator programs.
  • Entrepreneurs should carefully research and compare different programs to find the one that best fits their needs and goals.

What is a startup accelerator?

Startup accelerator infographic.

Figure 1: Startup accelerator infographic.

A startup accelerator is a type of program designed to help young and emerging businesses grow and succeed. These accelerator programs provide a range of resources and support to help startups navigate the early stages of growth and development.

Startup accelerator programs typically offer a structured program of mentorship, training, and networking opportunities, as well as access to funding and other resources. The goal of these programs is to help startups accelerate their growth and increase their chances of success.

Overall, startup accelerator programs can be a great opportunity for young and emerging businesses looking to scale and succeed.

Types of accelerator programs

Starting a business can be a daunting task, especially for first-time entrepreneurs. There are several types of startup accelerator programs available, each with its own unique focus and approach. Here are some of the most common types:

  1. Sector-specific accelerator programs: These programs focus on startups in a specific industry or sector, such as healthcare, education, or clean energy. These programs provide support and resources tailored to the needs of startups in that sector, including connections to mentors and investors with expertise in that industry.
  2. Regional accelerator programs: These programs focus on startups in a specific geographic region, such as a city, state, or country. These programs provide support and resources tailored to the local startup ecosystem, including connections to local mentors and investors.
  3. Incubator programs: Incubator programs are focused on helping early-stage startups develop and grow. These programs typically provide workspace, mentorship, and support for startups as they work to develop their products and services. Read more about startup incubator programs here: What is a Startup Incubator?
  4. Accelerator-incubator programs: These programs combine the best of both accelerator and incubator programs, providing support and resources for both early-stage and growth-stage startups. These programs often have a specific focus, such as technology or social impact, and provide a range of support and resources tailored to the needs of startups in that area.
  5. Corporate accelerator programs: These programs are run by large corporations and provide support and resources to startups that align with the corporation's strategic goals and interests. These programs often provide access to the corporation's resources, such as technology and expertise, as well as connections to its network of customers and partners.

Each type of startup accelerator program has its own benefits and drawbacks. Entrepreneurs should carefully research and compare different programs to find the one that best fits their needs and goals. Whether you are looking for sector-specific support, regional connections, early-stage development, or corporate partnerships, there is likely a startup accelerator program that can help your startup succeed.

Advantages and disadvantages of startup accelerator programs

While accelerator programs can be a valuable resource for many startups, there are also some disadvantages to consider.


Figure 2: SWOT analysis of startup accelerator programs.

One of the biggest advantages of startup accelerator programs is the mentorship and guidance that they offer. Many accelerator programs bring together experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts who can provide valuable advice and guidance to participating startups. This mentorship can be incredibly valuable for early-stage startups that may not have access to this type of expertise on their own.

Another advantage of accelerator programs is the networking opportunities they provide. Many programs host regular events and gatherings where participating startups can meet and connect with other entrepreneurs, investors, and potential partners. This can help startups build relationships and find new opportunities for growth and success.

In addition to mentorship and networking, accelerator programs often provide access to funding. Some programs offer investment capital to participating startups, while others may help startups connect with investors and venture capital firms. This access to funding can be crucial for early-stage startups that need financial support to grow and develop their business.

Despite the many advantages of accelerator programs, there are also some disadvantages to consider. One potential disadvantage is that participating in an accelerator program can be time-consuming and demanding. Many programs require startups to participate in regular workshops, meetings, and other events, which can take time away from running and growing the business.

Another potential disadvantage is that accelerator programs often come with equity requirements. Many programs require participating startups to give up a certain percentage of their equity in exchange for the support and resources they receive. This can be a significant sacrifice for early-stage startups, and it's important to carefully consider the terms of any equity agreement before joining an accelerator program.

How to choose the right accelerator program

Choosing the right startup accelerator program can be a crucial decision for any aspiring entrepreneur. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to determine which program is best suited for your business. Here are a few tips to help you make the right choice:

  1. Research the program’s reputation and success rate: It’s important to do your homework before applying to any accelerator program. Look for programs with a proven track record of success and a strong reputation in the startup community. This can give you a good idea of the level of support and guidance you can expect from the program.
  2. Consider the program’s focus and expertise: Different accelerator programs have different areas of expertise and focus. Some programs focus on specific industries, such as technology or healthcare, while others may offer more general support for startups. Consider what type of support your business needs and choose a program that aligns with your business goals and needs.
  3. Evaluate the program’s structure and duration: Accelerator programs come in different formats and lengths, from intensive three-month programs to longer, more flexible options. Consider what type of structure and support will best suit your business and your goals.
  4. Look at the program’s network and resources: A good accelerator program should provide access to a strong network of mentors, investors, and other resources. Consider what kind of connections and resources the program can provide and whether they align with your business needs.
  5. Consider the program’s acceptance criteria: Accelerator programs are highly competitive, and not all applicants will be accepted. Look at the program’s acceptance criteria to determine if your business is a good fit.

By doing your research and evaluating your options, you can choose the right accelerator program for your startup and set yourself up for success. A good accelerator program can provide the support, resources, and connections you need to take your business to the next level.

How to join a startup accelerator program?

If you are an entrepreneur looking to join a startup accelerator program, there are a few steps you can take to increase your chances of acceptance.

First, research the various accelerator programs available and determine which ones align with your startup's mission and goals. Look for programs with a strong track record of success and a network of mentors and investors that can help your business grow.

Next, prepare a strong application. This typically includes a detailed business plan, financial projections, and information about your team and market. Be sure to clearly articulate the problem your startup is solving and the unique value proposition you offer.

Once you have submitted your application, be patient and expect a response within a few weeks. If you are accepted, be prepared to participate in the program's intensive, immersive experience. This may involve working closely with mentors, attending workshops and networking events, and pitching to investors.

While participating in a startup accelerator program can be challenging, the benefits can be significant. In addition to gaining access to mentorship and funding, you can also benefit from the program's network and community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Overall, joining a startup accelerator program can be a great way to accelerate the growth of your business and take it to the next level. With hard work, dedication, and a strong business plan, you can position yourself for success and make the most of this exciting opportunity.

Web3 startup accelerator programs

Global venture capital investment in web3 companies, Forbes.

Figure 3: Global venture capital investment in web3 companies, Forbes.

Web3 startup accelerator programs are gaining popularity among entrepreneurs and investors as a means to accelerate the development and growth of blockchain-based businesses. These programs provide a structured and intensive program designed to help startups gain traction and access to resources, mentorship, and funding.

Web3 accelerator programs provide a valuable resource for entrepreneurs looking to enter the rapidly growing blockchain industry. These programs offer a structured and intensive program designed to help startups gain traction and access to resources, mentorship, and funding. They also provide a network of strategic partners and potential customers, helping startups to grow and scale quickly.

Web3 startup accelerator programs are an essential part of the blockchain ecosystem, providing support and resources to help entrepreneurs develop and grow their businesses. These programs are an exciting opportunity for investors and entrepreneurs looking to be a part of the next generation of blockchain-based businesses.

Examples of reputable accelerator programs

In recent years, startup accelerator programs have become a popular method for young companies to receive mentorship, funding, and resources to grow and succeed. These programs often last for a few months and culminate in a pitch event or demo day where participating startups can showcase their progress and potentially secure additional investment.

Here are examples of successful startup accelerator programs:

Successful startup accelerator programs.

Figure 4: Successful startup accelerator programs.

  1. BFG Superstars by Blockchain Founders Group 
    We could not start the list of successful accelerator programs, without mentioning our web3 incubator program BFG Superstars. Every year, we launch more than 10 startups together with promising entrepreneurs and provide financial support of up to €70,000 to selected startups.
    Through this program, the Blockchain Founders Group provides selected entrepreneurs with mentorship, access to its network of investors, and strategic guidance to help them grow and succeed. The goal of the BFG Superstars program is to foster a vibrant and thriving blockchain ecosystem. Successful alumni of the BFG Superstars program include Signa X, EkoLance, and
  2. Y Combinator 
    Y Combinator is one of the most well-known accelerator programs in the world. Based in Silicon Valley, the program provides seed funding and mentorship to early-stage startups in a wide range of industries. Some of Y Combinator's most successful alumni include Dropbox, Airbnb, and Reddit
  3. Techstars
    Techstars is a global accelerator network with locations in cities around the world, including Berlin, London, and New York. The program focuses on providing mentorship and resources to startups in the technology and innovation space. Notable Techstars alumni include ClassPass, SendGrid, and DigitalOcean.  
  4. 500 Startups
    500 Startups is an accelerator program based in Silicon Valley that focuses on providing seed funding and mentorship to early-stage startups. The program has a particular focus on diversity and inclusion and has invested in over 2,600 companies from over 75 countries. Notable 500 Startups alumni include Credit Karma, Grab, and Canva.
  5. ConsenSys Labs 
    One of the leading web3 startup accelerator programs is ConsenSys Labs by ConsenSys, which is backed by Ethereum co-founder Joseph Lubin. The program offers mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to a global community of experts and investors. It also provides startups with seed funding and access to a network of strategic partners and potential customers. Successful alumni from Consensys Labs are Infura, Gnosis, and Metamask.
  6. Outlier Ventures 
    Another notable web3 accelerator program is Outlier Ventures, which focuses on supporting startups that are working on decentralized applications (dApps) and other blockchain-based technologies. The program offers mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to a global community of experts and investors. It also provides startups with access to seed funding and support for launching their dApps on the Ethereum blockchain. Notable alumni are, Ocean Protocol, and Chainflip
    These successful accelerator programs have helped numerous startups grow and achieve success in their respective industries. The mentorship, funding, and resources provided by these programs are invaluable for early-stage startups looking to take their businesses to the next level.


Startup accelerator programs provide young businesses with mentorship, training, networking opportunities, access to funding, and other resources to help them accelerate their growth and increase their chances of success. These programs can be invaluable for first-time entrepreneurs and offer a range of benefits. There are several types of startup accelerator programs, including sector-specific, regional, and incubator programs. It is important for aspiring entrepreneurs to choose the right program for their business. Examples of successful accelerator programs include the BFG Superstars incubator which is focused on the web3 sector, Y Combinator, and Techstars.


About Blockchain Founders Group

Blockchain Founders Group (BFG) is the driving force behind web3 innovation. As a company builder, we bring together a team of blockchain visionaries, experienced entrepreneurs, and industry experts, all committed to nurturing emerging talent. Our BFG acceleration programs serve as your springboard for launching blockchain startups, transforming concepts into reality in just 2-3 months. Each cohort develops 5-8 unique web3 ideas, and selected projects will be financially supported with 70,000 - 100,000 EUR, along with access to our extensive network. Join us in shaping the future of web3!

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Contact: Max Zheng, Director of Investments,

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