Would you pay nearly $70 million for a digital piece of art that you could also obtain by right clicking it and hitting download? NFT art has taken the art market by storm with seemingly exponential growth and unfathomable prices for digital works of art. Whether this form of art is sustainable remains to be seen. However, two things are certain: 1) It seemingly is altering the course of the art market and writing art history. 2) The underlying technology - blockchain technology and tokenization - have a multitude of useful applications outside of just digital art pieces. To understand all this, we should start by covering NFTs.

Author - JP Patheja Hellmich

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The nascent tweet NFT market is for many a bizarre place. Magically turning Twitter tweets into digital assets with price tags and putting them up for sale is the latest craze in the world of crypto. Some sense an investment opportunity. However, too little is known yet about tweet NFT trades from a financial perspective. Against this backdrop, we provide for the first time exploratory insights on key metrics such as trade volume, profitability, and price determinants. Our analysis is built on a rich dataset sourced from scraping the Web via a custom Python script.

Authors: Philipp Sandner, Christian Flasshoff, Jong-Chan Chung, Jan Steegmüller

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As Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and CEO of Twitter, recently sold his first tweet as a non-fungible token (NFT) for $2.9m, many investors, speculators and artists joined the tweet NFT market. But what is exactly happening in this rapidly changing environment and what is the hype all about? Analyzing recently sold tweets and some recent purchase offers will provide a deeper understanding of the current market characteristics.

Authors: Jan Steegmüller, Christian Flasshoff, Philipp Sandner

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Discussions on blockchain technologies have been around for several years. One of the topics currently dominating the news is “non-fungible tokens” (NFTs). These can be used to tokenize unique items like artwork or music. A comparably new development is the tokenization of short messages (“tweets”) from Twitter. The market develops rapidly and tweet NFTs become a considerable subject for investment and speculation.

Authors: Jan Steegmüller, Christian Flasshoff, Philipp Sandner

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