“Blockchain in 5 Fragen” #10 - Interview with Dr. Alex von Frankenberg

20. März 2022
2 min read

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In episode 10 of our (german) podcast “Blockchain in 5 Fragen” host Felix Hosse interviews Dr. Alex von Frankenberg - CEO at High-Tech Gründerfonds - on the chances crypto currencies hold for the population in developing countries and how it can help to lift up the poorest parts of society.

Find the interview on
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/5-fragen-an-dr-alex-von-frankenberg/id1596101345?i=1000546021764
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6cwy3MJTPAAr1FwVn3CTl4


Episode Highlights: 

0:00 Intro
0:16 Willkommen
1:05 Alex Leidenschaft zur Blockchain Technologie
3:00 Beeindruckende Projekte im Blockchain Space
5:55 El Salvador
11:30 Blockchain Bildung
13:55 Blockchain Founders Group

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